Targeting articulation disorders and spelling together can be a powerful combination in speech therapy!
As elementary school-based SLPs, we are usually the only professionals in our schools who are fully qualified to assess and treat students with Speech Sound Disorders (SSDs).

What is a Speech Sound Disorder?
SSDs are characterized by difficulties producing, or articulating, specific speech sounds. SSDs can have roots in either phonological processing, oral motor functioning, or both; however, as Farquharson (2, references are below) suggested, creating a sharp dichotomy between a “phonological disorder” and an “articulation disorder” may be over-simplifying things.
Regardless of the nuances around determining the specific causes of SSDs, there is a heap of research (1,2,3,4,5) that has found that children with SSDs often have difficulties with literacy-related skills, such as phonological awareness, word decoding (reading), and encoding (spelling).
This is because speech sound production (articulation) and literacy skills are both strongly related to phonological processing.
What is phonological processing?
Phonological processing refers to a broad set of skills that allow us to perceive, recall, and produce specific speech sounds. To learn more about phonological processing (and its different components including phonological and phonemic awareness), see this blog post.
I've also made a chart that clearly explains all of the terminology around phonology that SLPs need to know. You can view it on the free downloads page.
Phonological processing is a foundational skill in both the correct articulation of speech sounds, as well as in phonics and spelling.
What has this looked like in my own clinical work?
Over the years, I’ve had many students who have had difficulties with both articulation and spelling, which is consistent with what the research says. (Don't you love it when the stuff you read in journals shows up IRL?) And there is no question in my mind that these two skills are highly related for many of our students.
I also believe that when you improve one of these skills, it can have a positive effect on the other.
Here are just a few examples of times I’ve observed a symbiotic relationship between articulation and literacy in my own work:
I had a student that was having a really tough time producing the /ch/ (ʧ) phoneme in words like cheetah, watching, reach, etc. While she could auditorily discriminate this sound, she just could not produce it correctly, despite a great deal of repetition, many different attempts at verbal and visual cues, and modeling. One day, I simply wrote "TSH" (she could already produce /sh/ correctly) on a paper, and my student immediately produced the sound correctly. Incredulous, she asked, “Why don't they just write it that way?!”
Many of the younger kids I’ve seen for articulation therapy have progressed rapidly once they develop letter-sound correspondence. Recently, I was working with a four year-old who was gliding his /l/ sound, and he produced the word lunch as “yunch.” Since we’d already done some work around minimal pairs (see my blog post all about contrastive intervention approaches for speech therapy here), as well as classifying words according to their initial sound, I was able to write YUNCH and LUNCH for him, and he was able to see that this word requires him to produce his new sound for /l/ at the beginning of it. He then produced “lunch” correctly. I loved being able to show this little guy why it's important for him to use his new sound!
I’ve observed that having my students with SSD who are starting to spell words with their target sounds (e.g., having a child who has difficulty articulating /r/ write words containing the letter R) allows them to practice saying their target sound, to practice encoding that target sound (which provides both visual and motoric feedback), and to practice decoding that sound after they've written it.
How can we combine articulation and spelling skills in speech therapy?
As Overby et al. (5, p.1664) stated, “it appears that treatment for both preschoolers and elementary school-age children with SSDs, which typically focuses on improving articulatory accuracy, should include intervention that emphasizes skills that support spelling.”
And as an SLP who is always trying to provide therapy that targets as many functional skills as possible, I knew I needed speech therapy activities that would help me to work on both speech sound production and decoding/encoding at the same time.
Frustratingly, I wasn’t able to find any materials out there that are specifically designed to target articulation disorders and reading/spelling together.
So I made my own!
Creating and using the StoryWhys Speech & Spell resources has allowed me to target the skills that many of my kids with SSDs and literacy issues need to work on.
Here’s an example:
I have an older student who has a SSD and dyslexia, and who is still having difficulty producing the /th/ (θ and ð) sounds. We used a Speech & Spell activity to practice the “drop e” spelling rule (a rule he had already “learned” in class but was having difficulty retaining) featuring words containing his target sound, /th/. (You can find this specific activity here.) During our session, my student got to practice encoding words with this spelling rule while also articulating and encoding the “th” digraph. I must have gotten 50-75 productions of his target sound, and he got some much-needed practice using this spelling rule. He also learned some novel vocabulary to boot.
I was a happy SLP!
StoryWhys Speech & Spell resources target common spelling rules -- ones that are taught in elementary schools and are aligned with the science of reading -- while also targeting many of Shriberg's "late eight" speech sounds.
You can check them out here:
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1. Cabbage KL, Farquharson K, Iuzzini-Seigel J, Zuk J, Hogan TP. Exploring the Overlap Between Dyslexia and Speech Sound Production Deficits. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch. 2018 Oct 24;49(4):774-786. doi: 10.1044/2018_LSHSS-DYSLC-18-0008. PMID: 30458539.
2. Farquharson, Kelly. (2019). It Might Not Be “Just Artic”: The Case for the Single Sound Error. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. 4. 76-84. 10.1044/2018_PERS-SIG1-2018-0019.
3. McNeill BC, Wolter J, Gillon GT. A Comparison of the Metalinguistic Performance and Spelling Development of Children With Inconsistent Speech Sound Disorder and Their Age-Matched and Reading-Matched Peers. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2017 May 17;26(2):456-468. doi: 10.1044/2016_AJSLP-16-0085. PMID: 28475658.
4. Moxam C. The Link Between Language and Spelling: What Speech-Language Pathologists and Teachers Need to Know. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch. 2020 Oct 2;51(4):939-954. doi: 10.1044/2020_LSHSS-19-00009. Epub 2020 Jul 15. PMID: 32692636.
5. Overby MS, Masterson JJ, Preston JL. Preliteracy Speech Sound Production Skill and Linguistic Characteristics of Grade 3 Spellings: A Study Using the Templin Archive. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2015 Dec;58(6):1654-69. doi: 10.1044/2015_JSLHR-S-14-0276. PMID: 26380965; PMCID: PMC4987032.